News About the Earthquakes in Mexico: Terremoto Sismo Temblor Hoy México


Terremoto Sismo Temblor Hoy México – Thursday afternoon’s earthquake rattled parts of central Mexico, causing buildings in the nation’s capital to tremble and frightening citizens to flee into the streets. No immediate reports of damage were made, though.

According to the (U.S) Geological Survey, the earthquake’s magnitude was 5.8 (USGS). According to USGS data, the epicentre struck the central state of Puebla, south of Mexico City, at a depth of 27 miles (44 km).

People in Mexico City fled their homes and businesses as earthquake alarms sounded.

The alarm went off, and traffic stopped while Manuel Maldonado drove in the Anzures neighbourhood in the capital’s centre. He reported feeling his car tremble.

From the state’s governor, there were no immediate reports of damage in Puebla or the capital, according to Mexico City Mayor Marti Batres, who made this statement in a social media post.

Terremoto Sismo Temblor Hoy MéxicoMexico’s Earthquakes

Mexico's Earthquakes

There are potent earthquakes in Mexico that have far-reaching effects. Magnitudes greater than 8.0 are causing immense damage and destruction, destroying many houses within several hundred kilometres. Earthquakes are relatively rare when measured by the size of the nation.

Over 11,300 people have lost their lives as a direct result of earthquakes since 1950. Twenty-four earthquakes resulted in a tsunami that killed more people and caused more damage.

Other natural hazards in Mexico:
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› The most severe earthquakes in the world

A Powerful Tremor On December 7

On December 7, 2023, at 12:03 local time, a devastating earthquake struck 82 kilometres southeast of Puebla. The quake happened roughly 44 kilometres and had a Richter scale of 5.8. Within a radius of only 100 kilometres around the epicentre, there are over 4 million residents. Seldom do such powerful earthquakes occur. This is Mexico’s strongest earthquake in more than three months.

The Majority Of Recent Earthquake Occurrences

The Majority Of Recent Earthquake Occurrences

The strongest earthquakes that have occurred in or close to Mexico over the past 14 days are listed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). An event’s inclusion on this list depends on how big and close it is to populated areas. For all data, the local time is utilized. Because of the current situation, we update this page frequently. The next update is expected to be around 20:00 UTC.

December 16, 9:24 pm

Magnitude 4.4: 94 km southeast of Tapachula (Chiapas) at a depth of 47.46 km.

December 14, 11:55 am

Magnitude 5.4: 40 km east of La Gomera (Escuintla) at a depth of 78.20 km.

December 14, 10:21 am

Magnitude 5.0: 92 km southeast of Tapachula (Chiapas) at a depth of 51.34 km.

December 12, 3:07 pm

Magnitude 4.6: 26 km southeast of Quetzaltenango at a depth of 114.89 km.

December 9, 1:44 pm

Magnitude 3.1: 62 km north of Mexicali (Baja California) at a depth of 3.4 km.

December 9, 12:04 pm

Magnitude 3.3: 63 km north of Mexicali (Baja California) at a depth of 3.3 km.

December 7, 2:03 pm

Magnitude 5.8: 82 km southeast of Puebla at a depth of 44.39 km.

December 6, 6:45 pm

Magnitude 4.2: 23 km northwest of Coatzacoalcos (Veracruz) at a depth of 10.0 km.

December 5, 8:30 pm

Magnitude 3.7: 42 km east of Mexicali (Baja California) at a depth of 9.3 km.

December 5, 8:11 pm

Magnitude 3.4: 41 km east of Mexicali (Baja California) at a depth of 7.3 km.

Seismic Solid Activity in Southwest Mexico

The southwest coast of the Pacific is the area of Mexico most frequently struck by earthquakes. Tectonic shifts often occur in the coastal strip because it is a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. The Cocos Plate pushes aside the North American and Caribbean plates at this location. Although the subduction angle is comparatively flat, the plate moves at a rate of more than 6 cm per year. Because of this, tensions in the earth’s crust typically exist over a sizable area and are abruptly released as earthquakes. Distance from the fracture zone typically results in a decrease in both frequency and intensity.

Because of the converging plate boundaries’ length and proximity to the coast, earthquakes frequently trigger tsunami warnings. Vast amounts of water are mobilized and dispersed along the subduction zone along the beaches. Fortunately, most warnings are merely preventive; however, fatalities and tsunamis sometimes occur, particularly during strong earthquakes.

The Pacific coast is frequently and severely affected by earthquakes, but the Caribbean and much of northern Mexico experience them less often. The high population density in the area is especially concerning. In recent years, frequent and severe disruptions have also occurred in the larger area surrounding Mexico City.

The 1787 Great Earthquake

An earthquake that is still terrifying today occurred on March 28, 1787, along the southwest coast of Mexico, spanning more than 450 kilometres from Valladolid to Tehuantepec. The “San Sixto earthquake” was another name for the event. Estimates are available regarding the magnitude and effects of the earthquake because there are very few scientific records from the last few centuries. Currently, the estimated magnitude, based on reports from across the country, is 8.6 MW. Since the beginning, no other earthquake has reached such a magnitude. In the days that followed, the Richter scale registered more than seven aftershocks.

A tsunami generated by the main earthquake travelled the Pacific coast, reaching a height of more than eighteen meters. It killed eleven people as it travelled more than 500 km along the coast. The number is so low because, at the time, Mexico had a population of less than 6 million people.

Mexico has had Earthquakes since 1950.

With a Richter scale of 8.2, the largest earthquake to ever strike Mexico occurred on September 8, 2017, in the Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, and Guatemala regions. Ninety-eight people died as a result of the tectonic plates shifting at a depth of 2 km. In addition, the earthquake caused a tsunami, which resulted in more casualties and damage.

Average of Mexico Earthquake Statistics

Within 300 kilometres (186 miles) of Mexico, there have been 15345 earthquakes with a magnitude of four or higher in the past ten years. This corresponds to 127 earthquakes per month on average or 1534 earthquakes per year. An earthquake near Mexico happens, on average, every five hours.

2017 saw a comparatively high number of earthquakes close to Mexico. That year, 2225 earthquakes (mag 4+) were recorded within 300 kilometres of Mexico. The strongest was magnitude 8.2.

Distribution of Magnitude

The distribution of all earthquakes within 300 kilometres of Mexico over the last ten years is shown in the table below. During this time, there haven’t been any earthquakes near Mexico larger than a 9. Higher magnitudes are typically less frequent than lower magnitudes. This overview does not include minor earthquakes with a Richter scale magnitude of less than 4.

Strongest Earthquakes in The Vicinity Of Mexico

Strongest Earthquakes in The Vicinity Of Mexico

Terremoto Sismo Temblor Hoy México – The strongest earthquake in the past ten years in the vicinity of Mexico occurred on September 7, 2017, at 23:49 local time America/Mexico_City timezone). It made landfall 177 kilometres (110 mi) west of Tapachula, at a depth of 47 kilometres and a magnitude of 8.2. Check out the list of stronger earthquakes near Mexico below.

The strongest earthquakes that have happened close to Mexico over the last ten years are listed in the table below. The tabs allow you to search for the strongest known earthquakes since 1900, within a given year, or a certain distance from Mexico.

Commonly Asked Questions

These inquiries are frequently made about the earthquakes that happen close to Mexico – Terremoto Sismo Temblor Hoy México.

When did Mexico last experience an earthquake?

During the evening of December 17, 2023, at 18:47 local time (America/Tijuana), a 2.3 magnitude earthquake occurred close to Mexico. This earthquake’s centre was -0 km below the surface, 289 km north-northwest of Tijuana. If there have been any recent earthquakes close to Mexico, check the list on our website.

Which nearby earthquake was the strongest?

On September 7, 2017, at 23:49 local time (America/Mexico_City), an 8.2 magnitude earthquake near Mexico was felt. This earthquake’s epicentre was located 177 kilometres west of Tapachula, 47 kilometres below the surface of the North Pacific Ocean. This is the strongest earthquake to have occurred near Mexico since 1900.

How frequently do earthquakes happen close to Mexico?

Within a 300-kilometer radius of Mexico, there have been 15345 earthquakes of magnitude four or higher in the last ten years. This translates to 1535 earthquakes annually on average or one every six hours.