Tempo – Definition, Specifications, Technology, and More


What is Tempo?

  • Fortunately, Tempo designs to provide us with all the data and information we need to succeed in every one of those meetings.
  • Nothing is as stressful as running from meeting to meeting with people you’ve never met or can’t quite remember what they look like.
  • Having no idea what you talked to him about the last time you called or wrote.
  • Our goal is to transform your calendar into a trustworthy personal assistant.
  • When we started this project, we realized that the calendars concentrate on the professionals who go from one meeting to another.
  • In reality, they did not give much information besides that they were disconnected from everything else.
  • Explained its co-creator Thierry Donneau- Golencer, who spoke in an exclusive interview with GQ

Tempo Founders

  • We realized that each meeting or event should be related to the topics and information that you will discuss.
  • We used our artificial intelligence technology, and we tried to find what one needs for each event, and we put it directly as an attendee.
  • Behind Tempo are its three founders.
  • This app originated from a research center called Calo that a professional assistant designed.
  • A month ago, we launched the application in Europe and two weeks ago in all of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Although the United States is where they currently have the most users
  • Mexico is the place with the most downloads in Latin America, followed by Brazil.
  • Thierry reveals that the most exciting way he uses Tempo is when he meets different people in his daily life.
  • I date a lot of new people all the time, and Tempo gives me little dossiers (files) about the person with information.

Tempo Technology

  • It is always instrumental because that way I have something to start the conversation with.
  • And he warns that it is a tool that will improve in the future since most of the information.
  • It comes from social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and others.
  • But “can incorporate more information, it will be much more personalized and more proactive because Tempo it gets smarter over time.
  • And also, in the future, there will be more push technology, that is, it will be predictive”, he clarifies.
  • Although now it is only available for iOS, it will be available for Android before the end of the year.
  • According to this assistant’s creators, there will even be a version for PC.
  • People urgently need this tool designed to simplify and make our tasks more manageable.
  • Tempo is a smart calendar that gives you information about the people you will meet.
  • And also, helps you with everything you have to do throughout the day, concludes Thierry.

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